The CJS Practical sessions are designed to consolidate the theory they learn throughout the CJS module.This is to help the Student officers increase their confidence so that they are able to deal with these types of situations, when they become operational in their allocated districts. In these practical session students receive feedback from their trainers in order to further develop their knowledge.

Criminal Justice System (CJS) Problem Solving Developmental Practical
Throughout the Student Officer Development Programme, students are given the opportunity to consolidate their learning through practical days. This is where they will be given a scenario in which they must problem solve using the theory knowledge they learn in the CJS Module. They must apply this knowledge and deal with the issue in a reasonable and justified manner.
“Being able to get out of the classroom, and put my knowledge into practice has been really helpful in cementing my confidence in carrying out a stop and search”
Student Officer Coleman
“I really enjoyed the stop & search practical. It was great way to reinforce our learning of the legislation, policy and techniques we have learnt during the previous weeks of the course.”
Student Officer Hayes