June 06, 2023 | Drugs and Alcohol
Reference: F-2023-01158
Request 1
How many arrests were made by your force for drugs possession? (not intent to supply, possession only).
Request 1a
How many arrests were foreign nationals - and can you list the nationalities?
Request 1b
What age was the youngest person arrested for possession?
Request 2
How many were charged in relation to question 1?
Request 3
How many arrests were made by your force for being in possession of drugs with intent to supply?
Request 3a
How many arrests were foreign nationals?
Request 3b
Can you list the nationalities?
Request 4
What age was the youngest person arrested for being in possession with intent to supply?
Request 4a.
How many were charges in relation to question 4?
Clarification requested:
For those questions relating to foreign nationals please clarify whether foreign national should cover all records where UK is not a listed nationality, and particularly where Ireland is the only listed nationality should these records be included or excluded?
Clarification received:
Please can we have the information where UK is not listed, therefore Ireland would be listed separately.