October 03, 2022 | Police Vehicles
Reference: FOI- 2022 - 01884
Request 1
Please could you provide a list of BMW Police marked vehicles operated by your force? If possible, could I have details of any unmarked BMW vehicles operated by your force, if it assists I appreciate unmarked vehicle details may be deemed as sensitive and would be willing to accept simple details such as model without the need for details such as vehicle registration mark or colour or other identifying details.
Request 2
Has the force experienced any issues with BMW vehicles operated by the force catching fire or similar related safety issues resulti
Request 3
If so are there any documents or policies or correspondence related to BMW vehicles catching fire or similar safety issues?
Request 4
Has your force introduced any policies on the disposal or sale of Police BMW vehicles such as disabling engine components or similar instructions before disposal by auction or sale?
Request 5
Please could you provide details of the sale or disposal of BMW vehicles by your force? where they are sold or disposed of and how much each vehicle was sold for and where and when?
Request 6
Has your force had any correspondence by email with BMW over issues of fire and safety of Police BMW vehicles during 2021/22?