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July 15, 2020 | Crime/Incident Statistics

Reference: F-2020-01850


Request 1
Could I please request the following for the time period to January 1st 2020 to September 30th 2020.
All child abduction and kidnapping related calls received by your force.

Request 2
All recorded incidents of child abduction by a parent (category 13/1), and the duration of these incidents, and if harm occurred (please note if they are ongoing).

Request 3
The number of recorded individuals who were victims of child abduction by a parent

Request 4
All recorded incidents of child abduction by other persons (category 13/2) and the duration of these incidents, and if harm occurred (please note if they are ongoing).

Request 5
The number of recorded in individuals who were victims of child abduction by other persons.

Request 6
All recorded incidents of the kidnapping of a person under the age of 18, with data for categories 36/1, 36/3, and 35/5.

Request 7
All recorded under 18 victims of kidnapping.


Child Abduction and Kidnapping