October 09, 2020 | Road Traffic
Reference: F-2020-01398
Request 1 A
How many ‘close pass operations’ were carried out by the force?
Request 1 B – (IV)
As a result of these operations:
i. How many individuals were stopped by police and received an educational intervention and/or verbal warning, regardless of whether further action was taken?
ii.How many individuals were offered an NDORS course as an alternative to prosecution?
iii. How many individuals were prosecuted for careless / inconsiderate or dangerous driving, including any issued with an FPN?
iv. How many individuals were prosecuted, including any issued with an FPN, for offences other than careless / inconsiderate driving or dangerous driving?
Request 2 A
As part of its enforcement of driving offences, does the force accept the submission of video evidence by members of the public to report driving offences, whether the recording device is handheld or attached to a vehicle or rider (e.g. dash/handlebar/helmet cameras)?
Request 2 B – F
For each of the past four years (2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, please provide answers for each year separately):
(b) How many submissions of video evidence were received by the force relating to reports of driving offences?
(c) How many of these reports:
i. Resulted in prosecution?
ii. Resulted in a driver being offered an NDORS course as an alternative to prosecution?
iii. Resulted in no further action being taken?
(d) How many submissions of video evidence were received by the force relating to driving offences where the driver was reported to have overtaken a cyclist in a potentially careless / inconsiderate or dangerous manner (so called ‘close passes’)?
(e) How many of these reports:
i. Resulted in prosecution?
ii. Resulted in a driver being offered an NDORS course as an alternative to prosecution?
iii. Resulted in no further action being taken?
(f) How many full-time equivalent staff (whether officer or civilian) does the force employ to review the submission of video evidence relating to driving offences?