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November 04, 2021 | Finances

Reference: FOI-2021-01552


Request 1
The number of crimes recorded by your force in 2020 and between 1/1/2021 and 31/06/2021 in which the initial incident report mentions the word “e-scooter” or “electric scooter”. Please note: this is where e-scooters are simply mentioned within the crime log rather than the focus of (or reason for) the offence.

Request 2
A breakdown of these crimes including:
• the month of the crime
• the offence(s) recorded
• the investigation outcome
• a summary of the crime report describing the circumstances of the offence

Request 3
The amount of e-scooters you have seized in 2020 AND between 1/1/2021 and 31/06/2021

Request 4
A breakdown of these crimes including:
• the month of the crime
• the offence(s) recorded
Please provide the information in the form Excel or word document format.


Crimes involving E-Scooters