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October 21, 2021 | Crime/Incident Statistics

Reference: F-2021-00886


Request 1

For each calendar year 2018, 2019 and 2020 and the period 1st January 2021 to 8th April 2021, please could you tell me:
The number of reported crimes which mentioned “wedding” in the MO field of the crime report

Request 2

A brief summary of each reported crime listed in your answer to question 1 and the outcome (e.g. arrest made, no further action, etc.)

Request 3

The number of reported crimes which mentioned “funeral” in the MO field of the crime report

Request 4

A brief summary of each reported crime listed in your answer to question 3 and the outcome (e.g. arrest made, no further action, etc.)


Crimes that mention Wedding / Funeral