July 11, 2020 | Crime/Incident Statistics
Reference: FOI-2020-01585
Request 1
How many drivers in total were convicted of the reckless/dangerous driving offence (DD40) in your force area for the date ranges: a) 1 March – 31 May 2020 c) 1 June – August 2020 (to date) d) 1 June – 31 August 2019.
Request 2
How many drivers in total were given a fixed penalty notice for speeding in your force area for the date ranges: a) 1 March – 31 May 2020 c) 1 June – August 2020 (to date) d) 1 June – 31 August 2019.
Request 3
Note: please could you share the total number of convictions for each date range specified.