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September 28, 2022

Reference: FOI - 2022 - 00347


Request 1
How many reports of the deaths of children under 18 were investigated by the force between 1 Jan
2020 and 31 December 2021? Please can I have the data broken down by month and year.

Request 2
Of the above, please can you also provide a breakdown of the reports by type of injury, ethnicity, and
the age groups 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-17.

Request 3
Please provide us with the following details concerning any charges of causing or allowing the death
of a child which you have brought since 22 March 2020, where that child died during the period
March 2020-Dec 2021:
- the relevant case number(s)
- the court where the case is listed
- names of defendant(s)
- date(s) of birth?of defendant(s)
- address(es)?

FOI - 2022 - 00347