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March 05, 2020 | Organisational Information

Reference: F-2020-00055


Request 1

Please tell me the number of records listed in your crime database that contain the word "deepfake"?

Please identify these by conducting a free text search of your crime database, and provide the annual figure for each of the last five years (January 1 - December 31, for each of the years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019).

Request 2

Please provide a breakdown of the kind of offences recorded that contain this keyword.?

Request 3

Please provide an anonymised copy of the crime report for each incident recorded. If this is too onerous, please focus on areas around possession of indecent images, the abuse of children and revenge pornography (disclosing a private photograph without consent).



00055 Deepfakes

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