July 17, 2023 | Crime/Incident Statistics
Reference: F-2023-01781
Request 1
How many women and men have reported that they have had their drinks spiked or have been spiked by needle injection between January 1st, 2021, to 30th November 2022?
Request 2
Please can you specify the ages of these men and women who have reported that they have had their drinks spiked or have been spiked by needle injection between the dates listed above.
Request 3
Can you please specify the location for where these spiking’s have been reported?
Request 4
How many men and women have reported the following crime - Administering a substance with intent to commit a sexual offence since January 1st, 2021, to 30th November 2022?
Request 5
Please can you specify the age of these men and women who have reported this specific crime.