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October 03, 2022 | Hate Crime and Equality

Reference: F-2022-02077


Request 1
The total number of hate crimes recorded by the Constabulary, broken down by individual ‘Hate’ characteristics (e.g. Race, Disability etc.)

Request 2
With respect to crimes that were so recorded due to the hate element being related to ‘gender identity’, ‘gender reassignment’ or ‘transphobia’ (or whichever similar term the Force may use) please provide a detailed breakdown of the specific crimes involved e.g. rape, murder, assault, harassment etc.)

Request 3
The total number of non-crime hate incidents recorded, similarly broken down as per question 1.

Request 4
With respect to non-crime hate incidents that were so recorded due to the hate element being related to ‘gender identity’, ‘gender reassignment’ or ‘transphobia’ (or whichever similar term the Force may use) please provide a detailed breakdown of the specific type of incident involved.