September 30, 2022 | Serious and Organised Crime
Reference: FOI - 2022 - 01545
Request 1
How many complainants/referrals regarding historical institutional child abuse were submitted to the PSNI by the HIA Inquiry to ensure that any potential criminal matters were addressed?
Request 2
Has the PSNI completed investigations into any of these cases?
Request 3
Where these reviews or fresh investigations?
Request 4
What is the current status of these cases?
Request 5
How many were referred to PPS?
Request 6
No-further enquiry?
Request 7
What were the outcomes?
Request 8
How many led to prosecutions/trials or successful convictions?
Request 9
Did the PSNI take proactive steps to review the evidence presented to the HIA Inquiry (available on HIAI website), and the final published report, to establish if there were any evidential opportunities re criminal matters?
Request 10
Has the PSNI forwarded information to Operation Hydrant?