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Reference: FOI - 2022 - 00296


Request 1
The total number of crimes that occurred at premises registered as a pharmacy (which may be termed as a “chemist” in location codes) between January 1 and December 31 2021.

Request 2
How many assaults or violent crimes including arson were committed at a registered pharmacy between January 1 and December 31 2021?

Request 3
Please can you supply details of the incidents described in Requests 1 and 2, including:

Request 3 A
If suspects were believed to be armed (and details of suspected weapons, e.g. knife, firearm).

Request 3 B
Whether anyone was hurt.

Request 3 C
The number of people proceeded against in relation to these incidents, and the type of proceeding and outcome that took place (charge, caution, etc).

Request 4
I would also be interested in any information held by your organisation regarding my request, including a breakdown of the number of different types of crime that occurred at a registered pharmacy between January 1 and December 31, 2021. I understand that I do not have to specify particular files or documents and that it is the department’s responsibility to provide the information that I require.


FOI - 2022 - 00296