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September 30, 2022 | Investigations and Operations

Reference: F-2022-01807


Request 1
We write you on behalf of a number of clients who have ongoing reviews being carried out by the legacy Investigation Branch (LIB). We are seeking information concerning LIB and make the request under the Freedom of Information Act. We are not seeking details of any individual investigation/review and merely seeking general details of the work completed by LIB. We are seeking information relating to the following questions: The LIB case load sat around 1100 cases in early 2021. Can you confirm the current case load of the LIB?

Request 2
Can you provide details of the number of cases currently subject to review by LIB concern incidents that postdate 10th April 1998?

Request 3
Can you provide details of the number of cases that postdate 10th April 1998 that relate to the “security situation in Northern Ireland” (as defined in LIB’s own guidance/framework)?

Request 4
Can you provide details of the number of police officers and police staff currently attached to LIB?

Request 5
Can you provide the number of officers and staff who have previous experience in either the military or the RUC?

Request 6
Can you provide the number of family reports that have been completed by LIB?

Request 7
Can you provide the number of reviews that have been completed by LIB?

Request 8
Can you provide the number of cases that have been referred to the PPS?
