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March 06, 2020 | Crime/Incident Statistics

Reference: F-2020-01564


Request 1
I would like to request the following information on murder-suicide. For the purposes of this request, I am defining murder-suicide as ‘murder followed by the suicide of the perpetrator(s) within one week’.
I would like to request the following information for the years 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2018 inclusive: In total (for all ages), how many murder-suicide incidents were recorded in your force between 1st January 2015 and 31st December 2018? Please provide a breakdown by year (e.g. 10 in 2015, 20 in 2016, 30 in 2015, total = 60)

Request 2
How many of these murder-suicides (number not percentage please) involved a victim who was aged 60 or over? Please provide a breakdown by year (e.g. 10 in 2015, 20 in 2016, 30 in 2015, total = 60)

Request 3
How many murders involving a victim aged 60 or over were recorded during the same period (number not % please) Please provide a breakdown by year (e.g. 10 in 2015, 20 in 2016, 30 in 2015, total = 60). Please note - this question is designed to allow me to ascertain how many murders of older people are murder-suicide cases.

Request 4
For each of the recorded murder-suicide cases involving an older victim (60 or over) (as per question
2, above), please provide the victim, offender and crime details on an individual case basis as per the attached table - if possible please complete a table for each recorded offence or provide the same information in a different format if preferred but please provide this on an individual basis - please do not aggregate the information).

Murder Suicide Incidents