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Reference: F-2021-03065


Request 1

Could you please provide total numbers of "non-crime hate incidents" recorded in NI since that category was created until the present, breaking them down by (perceived) motivation?

Request 2

For each (perceived) motivation total count, could you please provide numbers for how many of these perceived "non-crime hate incidents" were disclosed on an "enhanced criminal record certificate" which may be requested by employers from the Disclosure & Barring Service?

Request 3

Following today's judgement in the England and Wales Court of Appeal in Miller v The College of Policing (that the recording of "non-crime hate incidents" is an unlawful breach of Article 10 ECHR rights and creates a "chilling effect" on public debate), could you please share any relevant PSNI communications about how the PSNI should now address the unlawful practice of recording non-
crime hate incidents? Eg expunging "non-crime hate incidents" from records, updating police training, public statements about the change, etc.


Non-Crime Hate Incidents