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Reference: F-2023-01421


Request 1
The number of allegations of domestic abuse and sexual misconduct (including rape), made against serving PSNI officers - from June 1 2022 to April 27 2023 - month by month.

Clarification Requested 28/4/23:
Does your request refer to allegations made to the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI), or both? I can advise that including allegations made to PONI will likely result in your request going over the appropriate fees.

Clarification Received 28/4/23:
For clarity, my request refers to allegations made to the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).

Clarification Requested 17/5/23:
Do you want allegations which were brought to the attention of Professional Standards Department (PSD), allegations proactively detected by PSD, or both?

Clarification Received 17/5/23:
To clarify, it would be both, allegations brought to the attention of PSD and allegations proactively detected by PSD.

Request 2
The number of allegations of rape, made against serving PSNI officers - from June 1 2022 to April 27 2023 - month by month.

Request 3
The sex and gender of each officer whom an allegation was made against.

Request 4
The number of allegations (in this time) that were upheld and resulted in disciplinary action - including dismissal, and the number of allegations that were discontinued.

Request 5
The number of officers against whom allegations were made are still serving police officers.

Officer Domestic Abuse and Sexual Offences