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July 25, 2023 | Organisational Information

Reference: F-2023-01490


Clarification to Requester:
In relation to your requests concerning investigations, do you wish to include investigations carried out by PSNI, the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI), or both? Please note that including investigations carried out by PONI may make your request overcost (based on previous requests of a similar nature).

Clarification from requester:
I should imagine that details of the suspension and repositioning of officers should be easily retrieved. As would those of officers denied promotion opportunities. With regards to officers under investigation, just limit this to PSNI investigative processes as I can approach PONI directly for their figures.

Request 1
As of 3rd May, how many warranted officers are currently suspended from duty? Please indicate the numbers of suspended officers at each rank, and if they are suspended for alleged non-criminal misconduct or alleged criminality.

Request 2
As of 3rd May, how many warranted officers are currently repositioned as a result of being under investigation for alleged misconduct? Please indicate the numbers of repositioned officers at each rank.

Request 3
As of 3rd May, how many warranted officers are currently under investigation for alleged misconduct? (Whether or not they have been suspended, repositioned, or left in post). Please indicate the numbers of officers under investigation at each rank.

Request 4
As of 3rd May, how many warranted officers are currently under investigation for alleged gross misconduct? (Whether or not they have been suspended, repositioned or left in post). Please indicate the numbers of officers under investigation at each rank.

Request 5
As of 3rd May, how many warranted officers are currently under investigation for alleged criminal offences? (Whether or not they have been suspended, repositioned or left in post). Please indicate the numbers of officers under investigation at each rank.

Request 6
As of 3rd May, how many officers have been prevented from being promoted from the most recent rounds of promotion processes at each rank by reason of being under investigation for alleged misconduct or criminality? Please indicate the numbers at each rank. (Eg number of constables who have passed the constable to sergeant promotion process but are currently prevented from being offered a promotion by reason of the misconduct investigation process, and the same for promotion to higher ranks).

Officer Misconduct