November 03, 2022 | Police/Staff Training
Reference: F-2022-02386
Request 1
How many student officers successfully completed training within the Police College and became probationary officers per year from 2015 – 2022?
Request 2
What is the average cost to the PSNI of training a student within the Police College to become a probationary officer?
Request 3
How many officers within their probation have resigned from the service, per year from 2015 – 2022?
Request 4
How many probationary officers who resigned were:
- Female
- Male
- Transgender
- Disabled
- Catholic
- Protestant
- From an ethnic minority background
- Have dependants
Per year from 2015 – 2022?
Request 5
What were the reasons given by probationary officers that resigned from service per year from 2015 – 2022?
Request 6
Has the information regarding probationary officer resignation 2015 - 2022 been reviewed by an employment psychologist, if so, can you provide details.
Request 7
Is the retention of probationary officers on the PSNI risk register, if so, please provide details.
Request 8
Does the PSNI have a specific Action plan to reduce the resignation of probationary officers, if so, can you provide details.