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Reference: F-2020-01883


Request 1

Confirmation that PSNI officers were instructed to attend the following events put on by Core Issues Trust 19 December 2009, 16 January 2010, 21 February 2010, 27 February 2010, 19-20 June 2010 (Ballynahinch Baptist Church, Ballynahinch), 9-10 March 2011, 14 June 2011 (Belvoir Church of Ireland, Belfast), 15 October 2011 (Ballynahinch Baptist Church, Ballynahinch), March 2018 (Ballynahinch Baptist Church, Ballynahinch), 14 February 2019 (Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast).

Request 2

Please indicate which of these events had protests by the Stop Conversion Therapy Taskforce (SCOTT) outside the venue, and which ones had protesters from Rainbow Project Northern Ireland (Rainbow Health Ltd) outside them.

Request 3

Please indicate which of the protests outside these events were static and which involved marches.

Request 4

For those protests that were static, please provide documented evidence showing who made the decision to send PSNI officers to the events in question, and the reasons for doing so.

Request 5

Please indicate whether PSNI issued any directions to protesters outside any of these events under Section 14 of the Public Order Act 1986.


Police Attendance at Events Put on by Core Issues Trust