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Reference: F-2023-00875


Request 1
I'm writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) to ask that you please disclose to me how many IOPC referrals have been sent from your force between Jan 1 2017 and 31st August 2022.

Request 2
I'd also like to know what percentage of these were 1) complaints 2) DSI referrals, or 3) RCMs.

Request 3
I would specifically (you may have to ignore DSI referrals for this) like to know how many of these were relating to matters of potential misconduct, and the amount of them that were upheld, and what action this resulted in.

If you are unable to achieve this within the cost limit, then I would like the same but for the last three years up to the end date (2020, 2021, 2022).

I've already received information from the IOPC regarding the amount of referrals there have been overall during this timeframe, and they've instructed me that the best way to find out more information as to the nature and status of them would be to contact the individual forces, which I am now doing.

Police IOPC Referrals