August 12, 2021 | HR Employment and Other
Reference: F-2021-01799
Request 1
What is the total establishment of police officers in your force?
Request 2
In terms of police officers, what percentage of your force are ethnic minority men/women?
Request 3
What is your percentage split on male/female officers?
Request 4
What is your percentage split on ethnic diversity in your force?
Request 5
What is your percentage split of diversity among women?
Request 6
What is your percentage split of diversity among men?
Request 7
How many police officers are the force intending to recruit in the next 3 years (2021,2022,2023)?
Request 8
Please provide any evidence of positive action initiatives that your force may currently have in place?
Request 9
Has your force made any commitment to recruiting certain numbers from ethnic minority communities?