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Reference: F-2021-00867


Request 1

For each calendar year 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020, how many complaints of sexual assault were made against serving police officers at the force (complaints against police officers serving the force at the time of complaint)?

Request 2

For each complaint, please provide the rank of police officer facing complaint, the police officer's sex, if the complainant was a member of the public or colleague, and the outcome (i.e. No further action, management action, charged, under investigation etc.).



  1.  Sgt - male - member of public - no further action
  2. PC - male - member of public - management action
  3. PC - female - colleague - no further action


  1. Sgt - male -member of public - no further action
  2. Insp - female member of public - charged with offence


Police Officers Sexual Offences Complaints