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September 17, 2021 | HR Employment and Other

Reference: F-2021-00617


Request 1
Over the last 5 years (Jan 2016 - Dec 2020) how many police officers have been off from work on the sick, for 7 days or less? (Please can the data be broken down for each year separately)

Request 2
Over the last 5 years (2016-2020) how many police officers have been off from work on the sick, for up to 28 days? (Please can the data be broken down for each year separately)

Request 3
Over the last 5 years (2016-2020) how many police officers have been off from work on the sick, for longer than 28 days? (Please can the data be broken down for each year separately)Request 4
How many long term sick officers does your force currently have?

Request 5
How many officers are currently on restricted duties?

Request 6
Over the last 5 years (2016-2020) how many police staff have been off from work on the sick, for 7 days or less? (Please can the data be broken down for each year separately)

Request 7
Over the last 5 years (2016-2020) how many police staff have been off from work on the sick, for up to 28 days? (Please can the data be broken down for each year separately)

Request 8
Over the last 5 years (2016-2020) how many police staff have been off from work on the sick, for longer than 28 days? (Please can the data be broken down for each year separately)

Request 9
How many long term sick police staff does your force currently have?


Police Officers & Staff Sickness