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September 30, 2022 | Investigations and Operations

Reference: F-2022-00391


Request 1
What guidance are PSNI officers given on how to deal with the media? Please provide a full copy.

Request 2
What training is given to back up the guidance and how often is the training given? The question is specific to purely media-police interactions, not general training with the public, specifically for response teams who are dealing with the press most regularly

Request 3
What powers do Police have to stop a member of the press taking images of what is in front of them from outside a cordon and what legislation is used for this?

Request 4
Can a member of the press have their equipment seized under the terrorism act?

Request 5
Other than having images useful to an investigation such as identifying a rioter or similar, what circumstances can the press have equipment seized?

Request 6
Do the PSNI have any powers to remove a member of the press from a public road which is un-cordoned and open to the general public?

Request 7
How many members of the press specifically have had their equipment or memory cards seized by PSNI from 01/01/12 until 12/02/22?
