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September 29, 2022 | Organisational Information

Reference: F-2022-01079


Request 1
I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information act. I am looking to find out information about cases of racial, sexual and homophobic discrimination which have been brought against the force by officers, staff, PSCO’s and all other police force members.
I would like to request these figures for the time period 2017-2021 inclusive. If you could provide any information about cases which have occurred during 2022, that would also be really useful, but please clearly date each case for clarity. In each instance, please clearly signal whether the case is for racial, sexual or homophobic discrimination or if the case involves more than one of the forms of discrimination (e.g. racial and sexual discrimination).
I would like the following information: In how many racial, sexual, homophobic discrimination cases which have gone to employment tribunal have the claimants (officers, staff, PSCO’s etc) had their claim upheld?

Request 2
When the claimant has had their claim of racial, sexual, homophobic discrimination upheld by the tribunal, how much, in each instance, has the force had to pay in damages, compensation and legal costs? If you could provide an overall total for the amount of money, as well as breaking it down for each case.

Request 3
How many racial, sexual, homophobic discrimination cases have been settled in an out of court settlement?

Request 4
In the cases where a settlement has been reached, how much was the settlement? If you could provide figures for each individual settlement as well as an overall total for all the settlements which have occurred?