December 01, 2022 | Police/Staff Recruitment and Promotion
Reference: F-2022-02817
Request 1a
At full strength, how many substantive Sergeant positions should there be in the PSNI?
Request 1b
Please provide how many officers there currently are at the rank of sergeant and please advise of these how many are substantive sergeants and how many are temporarily promoted?
Request 1c
Please provide a projected requirement for how many officers the PSNI needs to promote from Constable to Sergeant over the next three years bearing in mind current vacancies at the rank and projected vacancies due to wastage through retirement or promotion.
Request 2a
At full strength, how many substantive Inspector positions should there be in the PSNI?
Request 2b
Please provide how many officers there currently are at the rank of Inspector and please advise of these how many are substantive Inspectors and how many are temporarily promoted?
Request 2c
Please provide a projected requirement for how many officers the PSNI needs to promote from Sergeant to Inspector over the next three years bearing in mind current vacancies at the rank and projected vacancies due to wastage through retirement or promotion.