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Reference: FOI-2021-00960


Request 1 A

1a) How many allegations against officers or members of staff within your force have been made for:

  • i) failing to record a victim's allegation of rape on the Police system
  • ii) failing to "adequately" investigate the allegation of rape, or conduct "sufficient" investigations into the allegation
  • iii) failing to take appropriate action to safeguard the alleged victim from future harm from the alleged perpetrator

In the years 2018, 2019, 2020 and from the beginning of 2021 to the present day? Please could you provide this information broken down by calendar year.

Please note: for guidance on terms such as "adequately" and "sufficient", I refer to definitions outlined in your force's Standards of Professional Behaviour relating to rape allegations; investigating rape allegations and safeguarding victims of rape, and any appropriate code of conduct.

Request 2 A

2a) How many officers or members of staff within your force have been disciplined AND/OR dismissed for:

  • i) failing to record a victim's allegation of rape on the Police system
  • ii) failing to "adequately" investigate the allegation of rape, or "conduct sufficient investigations" into the allegation
  • iii) failing to take appropriate action to safeguard the alleged victim from future harm from the alleged perpetrator?

In the years 2018, 2019, 2020 and from the beginning of 2021 to the present day? Please could you provide this information broken down by calendar year and by whether the action taken was disciplinary or dismissal.

Request 2 B

2b) For each disciplinary AND/OR dismissal, please could you provide any further details of the actions that led to the officer/staff member’s disciplinary AND/OR dismissal, and details of the nature of the disciplinary action e.g. final written warning.


Rape Investigations