October 31, 2020 | Organisational Information
Reference: F-2020-02028
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request details of reports made via the PSNI's 'Covid-19 Reporting Form'. The online portal was set up to allow people to report alleged breaches of coronavirus restrictions: https://www.psni.police.uk/covid19/ I am seeking similar information to that disclosed in FOI reference FOI-2020-01562. For each submission made in the online form on October 19 2020, please disclose the following:
1. The submissions entered in the following sections:
- Date of incident (day/month/year)
- Time of incident
- City
- 'What type(s) of activity do you wish to report?' (Gathering of people not from same household; Gathering of people not from same household in a public place; Non-essential Travel; Licensed premises remaining open).