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Reference: F-2021-00554


Request 1

I request the information held of the security assessment made by the RUC and PSNI on how the Provisional Irish Republican Army was structured in 1970 to 1979, 1980 to 1989, 1990 to 1999 and 2000 to 2021 and the names of who were believed to hold senior positions including the position held in each decade.

Request 2

I request the information held of the security assessment made by the RUC and PSNI on the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA). What was relationship between Belfast and rest of PIRA?

Request 3

I request the information held of the security assessment made by the RUC and PSNI on the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA).
Did PIRA Brigade Commanders have autonomy to carry out own actions?

Request 4

I request the information held of the security assessment made by the RUC and PSNI on the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA).
Was the Provisional Army Council (PAC) in existence from 1970 through to 2005 and who is assessed to have held positions on PAC and what time frame?

Request 5

I request the information held of the security assessment made by the RUC and PSNI on the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) whether Belfast PIRA was one Brigade or was it split into several brigades in Belfast and what those Brigades were ie: NSEW?


Security assessment made by the RUC and PSNI re the PIRA