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Reference: FOI-2022-02454


Request 1
Follow up request to FOI Request FOI-2022-02268, in relation to answer provided for question 2. As below:

Request 2
In the current Sergeants process have any individuals received a posting offer that has been rejected and then received subsequent offers?

Answer 2
Low number of officers had their 1st offer amended.

How many officers had their first offer amended?

Request 2
What were the grounds for making the amendments?

Request 3
Did the amendments take place after issues were raised around first offers?

Request 4
What issues were raised in respect of offers made to officers?

Request 5
Did anyone receive more than one offer of a post after amendments were made?

Request 6
How many officers?

Request 7
Did anyone receive a choice of multiple posts in their amended offers?

Request 8
How many officers?
