July 24, 2020 | Crime/Incident Statistics
Reference: F-2020-01847
Request 1
Please provide numbers to and any additional information of the following For Larne and Larne area .
How many people are on the sex offenders register that reside in Larne and Larne area.
Request 2
How many are male/female with reference to item 1.
Request 3
How many people that have committed sexual offences outside of above area now live within it.
Request 4
Of the people on the sex offenders register, how many specifically committed offences against minors/children (I know there are a large array of offences within this compounded figures will suffice).
Request 5
How many reports or sexual offences against minors/children have been made in the past 3 years for the above area.
Request 6
How many convictions have been made with regards answer to item 5.