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Reference: F-2021-02336


Request 1

How many allegations of sexual misconduct were made in the calendar years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 (as far into 2021 as possible) against police officers and police staff employed by your force
By sexual misconduct I mean sexual harassment, indecent exposure, gender-based stalking or online harassment, sexual assault, rape and anything else you would consider as sexual misconduct.
For each allegation, please tell me:

Request 2

A description of the alleged behaviour*

Request 3

Whether the person making the allegations was a member of the public or employed by the police*

Request 4

Whether the person making the allegations was male, female or non-binary*

Request 5

Whether the accused was male, female or non-binary*

Request 6

The rank of the accused*

Request 7

Whether the accused was charged*

Request 8

Whether the accused was convicted*

Request 9

The outcome of any professional misconduct investigation*

* Please only include if it does not take the request over the cost threshold or reveal identifying personal information

Is it possible to have the information presented by each calendar year in an Excel spreadsheet format similar to this response by the Metropolitan Police -


Sexual Misconduct of PSNI Officers and Staff 2010 - 2021