September 30, 2022
Reference: FOI-2022-01680
Request 1
This is a follow up to F-2022-01103. In the aforementioned FOI, PSNI responded that only 47 Sgt promotions are projected up to 2024.
Are these posts to be filled from the 116 persons already on the merit list established in 2021 or are those people on projections from 2019/2020/2021 that were not asked for/included and therefore the 47 vacancies are seen as entirely separate to the merit list established in 2021?
Request 2
Please provide the Sgt promotion projections from 2019/2020/2021.
Request 3
Please provide any new relevant minutes of meetings that discuss workforce projections going forward, promotions and timelines for officers to be appointed up to and including the rank of Superintendent.