November 30, 2022 | Road Traffic
Reference: FOI-2022-02820
Request 1
I’m just getting in touch with a Freedom of Information request I am putting to all police forces in the UK about speed cameras which monitor 20mph zones and roads.
How many fines have been issued as a result of the 20mph cameras in your force’s area
a) in 2022 so far
b) in 2021 and (c) in 2019?
Request 2
If the cost limit has not yet been reached, what is the total figure in fines issued for each of the three years?
Request 3
If the cost limit has not yet been reached, how many motorists have been fined/prosecuted for driving at 24mph for each of the three years?
Request 4
If the cost limit has not yet been reached, how many new 20mph speed cameras have been installed in your force’s area
a) in 2022 so far
b) in 2021 and
c) in 2019?
Request 5
If the cost limit has not yet been reached, how much in fines has the highest grossing 20mph camera raised so far in 2022 and how many fines were issued based on its footage.