September 29, 2022 | Organisational Information
Reference: F-2022-00648
Request 1
Has the PSNI stopped recording data in relation to disability? Particularly as the EQIA documentation on Spit and Bite Guards did hold statistics in relation to the number of people with a disability that Spit and Bite Guards have been used on.
Request 2
Secondly I write to request updated figures in respect of: Broken down by age, how many times has a Spit and Bite Guard been used by the PSNI on a child under the age of 18 since their introduction in March 2020?
Request 3
Broken down by religious background, what is the breakdown of use in relation to Spit and Bite Guards since their introduction in March 2020?
Request 4
Broken down between those with a disability and those without, what is the breakdown of use in relation to Spit and Bite Guards since their introduction in March 2020?