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November 30, 2022 | Offences against a person

Reference: F-2022-02577


Request 1
Please confirm whether your force has a SPOC (Single Point of Contact) to deal with/advise on stalking allegations?

Request 2
If so, how long the SPOC has been in post (specifically the role of SPOC on stalking – not their wider job as a whole).

Request 3
The force’s total number of SPOCs for stalking (if the number is greater than one)?

Request 4
From November 2012 – September 2022, how many stalking allegations did your force deal with? I would like this information broken down by calendar year?

Request 5
From November 2012 – September 2022, how many stalking allegations led to a successful conviction? I would like this information broken down by calendar year?

Request 6
From November 2012 – September 2022, how many stalking allegations were dropped before arrests or charges could be made? I would like this information broken down by calendar year?
