March 31, 2023 | Other and Multiple Crime/Incident types
Reference: F-2023-00603
Request 1
Have the PSNI dealt with any cases of unauthorised drones flying within the Flight Restriction Zone at any of the NI Airports? If so:
a) How many?
b) How many times was the drone operator identified?
c) How many prosecutions have been made?
Request 2
Have the PSNI dealt with any cases of unauthorised drones flying above 400ft? If so:
a) How many?
b) How many times was the drone operator identified?
c) How many prosecutions have been made?
Clarification Sent To Requester:
Can you provide a timeframe for your request please?
Clarification Received From Requester:
Timeline 2021 – present. Could you please provide the breakdown of each year from 2021 to present - for each airport?