Today, Friday 25th August, a 44 year old man from the Ballymoney area was sentenced at Antrim Crown Court for 20 sexual abuse offences including rape, sexual activity with a child and inciting child to engage in sexual activity.

The man, who cannot be named in order to protect the identity of the victim, has been sentenced to 10 years. He will be placed on the Sex Offenders Register will also be subjected to a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO) for 12 years.

The victim in this case said: “I am very glad that this whole process is over and that this man will remain in prison where he belongs. I am determined not to let his betrayal of my trust, as a father figure to me, affect my life any more than it already has. I hope that this will give other people who may have experienced this type of familial abuse the courage to tell someone about it, in the knowledge that they will be treated with respect and find some form of justice.”

Detective Constable Downey said: “Today our thoughts are with the young girl in this case. I would like to commend the immense bravery she has shown throughout this investigation and working with detectives to bring her abuser to justice.

“The sickening actions of this man have robbed the young girl of her childhood. No one let alone a child should ever be subjected to any form of abuse or manipulation.

“We remain committed to investigating all reports of sexual offences against children and young people. Our specially trained detectives ensure victims are listened to, safeguarded and supported from the moment they report. You don’t have to suffer in silence.

“If you have ever experienced or witnessed any form of sexual abuse we urge you to pick up the phone and call police on 101 or 999 in an emergency.”