Detectives from the Paramilitary Crime Task Force (PCTF), investigating suspected criminal activity linked to the ongoing feud in the Ards and north Down area, conducted searches at properties in North Belfast and Millisle areas on Monday, April 3.
Detective Inspector Corrigan said: “During the search in Millisle a number of items were seized including a quantity of suspected Class C Controlled Drugs and suspected weapons including a stun gun and hatchet.
"During the search in north Belfast, we recovered a further quantity of suspected Class C controlled drugs and a balaclava.
“We will continue to work with communities and partners to disrupt those involved in criminal activity and reduce the harm they cause to our society.
“Police continue to maintain a highly visible policing presence across North Down and we would appeal to anyone with any information in relation to the ongoing feud between drug gangs in the area, to contact police on 101. Information can also be provided to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."