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North Down LNPT cover the following wards: Ballycrochan, Ballygrainey, Ballyholme, Ballymagee, Bloomfield, Broadway, Bryansburn, Castle, Clandeboye, Crawfordsburn, Cultra, Groomsport, Harbour, Helen's Bay, Holywood, Kilcooley, Kircubbin, Loughview, Portaferry, Rathgael, Rathmore, Silverbirch and Silverstream.

North Down LNPT Inspector and Sergeants
North Down LNPT Inspector and SergeantsMobile Number
LNPT Inspector Campbell07826 927109 
LNPT Sergeant McCutcheon07826 866251



North Down LNPT Officers and contact numbers
North Down LNPT Officers and contact numbers
OfficersMobile NumbersWard
BallycrochanConstable Connolly07795 607148
Constable Officer07393 144021
BallygraineyConstable Connolly07795 607148
Constable Officer07393 144021
BallyholmeConstable Hunter07760 661971
Constable Skelly07585 979124
BallymageeConstable Connolly07795 607148
Constable Officer07393 144021
BloomfieldConstable Greig07826 556235
Constable Johnston07825 556639
BroadwayConstable McCluskey07733 004038
BryansburnConstable McCluskey07733 004038
CastleConstable Hunter07760 661971
Constable Skelly07585 979124
ClandeboyeConstable Eccles07795 607311
Constable Harvey07826 853650
CrawfordsburnConstable Eccles07795 607311
Constable Harvey07826 853650
CultraConstable Eccles07795 607311
Constable Harvey07826 853650
GroomsportConstable Connolly07795 607148
Constable Officer07393 144021
HarbourConstable McCluskey07733 004038
Helen's BayConstable Eccles07795 607311
Constable Harvey07826 853650
HolywoodConstable Eccles07795 607311
Constable Harvey07826 853650
KilcooleyConstable Greig07826 556235
Constable Johnston07825 556639
LoughviewConstable Eccles07795 607311
Constable Harvey07826 853650
RathgaelConstable Greig07826 556235
Constable Johnston07825 556639
RathmoreConstable Greig07826 556235
Constable Johnston07825 556639
SilverbirchConstable Connolly07795 607148
Constable Officer07393 144021
SilverstreamConstable Hunter07760 661971
Constable Skelly07585 979124