The internet is a great way to learn, explore and connect with each other offering great opportunities for individuals, communities and businesses. However, it also presents criminals with opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities. That's why it is vital that all of us are aware of the risks and know how we can keep each other safe.

Online Safety
Cyber Prevent
Our Cyber Prevent officer educates young people about cyber crime and encourages them to make informed choices and use their cyber skills for good.
Cyber Protect
Learn about the UK Cyber Protect network and how we work to help businesses, charities and voluntary organisations defend against cyber attacks.
Cyber-flashing is when someone sends an unsolicited sexual image to a person without their consent. Learn how to address this form of digital harassment and how to safeguard yourself online.
How to block inappropriate content on your child's smartphone
In this section we explain how to block nude photos on your child's iPhone and use features such as Parental Controls on Android devices.
Keeping Children Safe Online
Tips for parents and guardians on how to make sure children can enjoy the internet safely.
Online Grooming
Learn more about what online grooming is and what to do if you're worried.
Sexting and the Law
Learn what sexting is, what the law says and how to access help and support.
Learn about this type of online blackmail, steps you can take to stay safe and where to get help and support if you are a victim.
The Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI)
The aim of the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI) is to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people by coordinating the work and ensuring the effectiveness of each person or body represented on the SBNI Board. Learn more about their work, including their Online Safety Hub which provides useful tips and resources to improve online safety for both you and the young people you look after.
Upskirting and Downblousing
Upskirting or downblousing are now specific criminal offences under new legislation.