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As the largest policing district in Northern Ireland, the Fermanagh and Omagh District policing area covers over 2,800 Km². The district is a place of outstanding natural beauty, which includes lakelands, beautiful unspoiled mountains, ancient bog lands and scenic forest parks. As well as the main towns of Enniskillen and Omagh, the district includes a number of other smaller town and villages, as well as a large rural community. It has a strong, vibrant international population and welcomes a large number of tourists every year.

We deliver a policing service that is community focused, tackling the issues that matter to you.

20 Queen Street, Enniskillen, BT74 7JR
Opening Hours
11am-7pm Monday to Friday

Please note: These email accounts are not monitored 24/7. If you need to report an incident use our online reporting form or contact 101. If it is an emergency call 999.

1 Derry Road, Omagh, BT15 1ER
Opening Hours
11am-7pm Monday to Friday

Please note: These email accounts are not monitored 24/7. If you need to report an incident use our online reporting form or contact 101. If it is an emergency call 999.

Your Local Policing Area

Communities living in the Fermanagh and Omagh District have two Local Policing Response Teams (LPRTs), based in Enniskillen and Omagh Police Stations, providing 24 hour cover to continue keeping local people safe right across the District.

Local Neighbourhood Policing

There are seven LNPTs who cover every district electoral ward in the Fermanagh and Omagh District.

LNPTs are based in Enniskillen, Omagh, Kesh and Lisnaskea Police Stations and work in partnership with communities as well as statutory and voluntary bodies to address local issues and concerns and find long lasting solutions.

The teams are committed to improving your quality of life and building safer communities with you. Your neighbourhood officers work in partnership with other agencies in health, education and local government to deliver collaborative solutions.

Local Neighbourhood Policing Team Contact Details

Your Local Neighbourhood Policing Teams have dedicated phone numbers for you to get in contact directly. Please do not use these contact details to report an incident. They should only be used for general contact with your respective Neighbourhood Team or officer.
If you are reporting an emergency, please call 999.

If you are reporting a non-emergency, please report online or call 101.

  • Enniskillen LNPT cover the following wards: Erne, Castlecoole, Potora, Rossory, Lisbellaw and Lisnarick. Erne West Neighbourhood Policing Team covers Belcoo and Garrison, Derrygonnelly, Boho, Cleenish and Letterbreen, Florence Court and Kinawley and Derrylin. Erne North Neighbourhood Policing Team is based in Kesh and covers Belleek and Boa, Ederney and Kesh, Irvinestown and Ballinamallard. Erne East Neighbourhood Policing Team is based in Lisnaskea and covers Brookeborough, Maguiresbridge, Donagh, Rosslea, Newtownbutler and Tempo.

    Contact Enniskillen LNPT
  • Omagh LNPT cover the following wards: Strule, Killyclogher, Camowen, Dergmoney, Coolnagard and Gortrush. Mid Tyrone Neighbourhood Policing Team covers Gortin, Owenkillew, Drumnakilly, Termon, Beragh and Sixmilecross. West Tyrone Neighbourhood Policing Team is based in Kesh and covers Fairy Water, Drumquin, Dromore, Trillick, Fintona and Newtownsaville.

    Omagh Enniskillen LNPT
Here for You - Public Engagement Vision (Thumbnail)
Here for You - Public Engagement Vision (Thumbnail)

Our Approach to Engagement

Communities in Northern Ireland are critical to the provision of effective policing services. Improving public perceptions and increasing trust through positive public engagement can significantly increase confidence in policing activity and enhance legitimacy.

Download our 'Here for You’ Public Engagement Vision

Your Community. Your Police.

Neighbourhood policing is at the heart of the service we deliver. You can find out more about our approach to neighbourhood policing and what you can expect from your local police below.

Female Officer and child
Female Officer and child

The Hallmarks of Neighbourhood Policing

The Hallmarks of Neighbourhood Policing define our approach to neighbourhood policing. They tell you what you can expect from your local police.

Learn More

Foreword from District Commander

We are working hard every day in the Fermanagh and Omagh District policing teams to provide a safe environment and community for everyone who works, lives and visits here.

Neighbourhood policing is at the heart of the service we deliver and we work closely with our partners in different sectors to find comprehensive and long lasting solutions to the concerns you raise.

We are here for you and if you have concerns about crime or antisocial behaviour in your neighbourhood please contact your Local Neighbourhood Policing Team.

District Personnel

Superintendent Robert McGowan

Superintendent Robert McGowan is the District Commander responsible for Fermanagh and Omagh.

District Commander Placeholder Photo
District Commander Placeholder Photo

Temporary Chief Inspector Gary McCullough

Temporary Chief Inspector Gary McCullough is responsible for a Performance.

Chief Inspector Scott Fallis
Chief Inspector Scott Fallis

Temporary Chief Inspector Scott Fallis

Temporary Chief Inspector Scott Fallis is responsible for Engagement.

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