The strength figures in the tables below are Full Time Equivalent - FTE and include temporary promotions to Ranks and Analogous Grades as at 01st September 2024. (Rounded for display purposes).
Police Ranks | Strength (FTE) |
Chief Constable | 1 |
Deputy Chief Constable | 2 |
Assistant Chief Constable | 4 |
Chief Superintendent | 22 |
Superintendent | 54 |
Chief Inspector | 94 |
Inspector | 358 |
Sergeant | 1032 |
Constable | 4632 |
Student Officer | 99 |
Total Police | 6298 |
Constable Part-Time | 167 |
Police Staff Analogous Grade | Strength (FTE) |
Permanent Secretary | 1 |
Grade 3 | 3 |
Grade 5 | 6 |
Grade 6 | 19 |
Grade 7 | 58 |
Deputy Principal | 103 |
Staff Officer | 237 |
Executive Officer 1 | 350 |
Executive Officer 2 | 476 |
Administrative Officer | 861 |
Administrative Assistant | 64 |
Industrial Grade | 42 |
Total Police Staff (includes temporary workers) | 2220 |
More Information
For information on officers and staff members perceived Community Background, please visit the workforce composition page.