Help and advice for victims of crime.

Victim Support
Help for Victims of Crime
If you have become a victim of crime, you may wonder what action you should or can take. Feelings and emotions ranging from anger to helplessness or fear and worry may also add confusion to the matter. Everyone’s situation is unique and we will tailor our support to your needs.
When you report a crime to police you will normally receive a victim of crime leaflet providing information on the crime, contact details of the police officer dealing with your incident and a reference number.
The leaflet also sets out what you can expect from us as a victim and information about organisations that you can contact for free advice, practical information or support.
Advice for Victims of Crime
If you have become a victim of crime, you may wonder what action you should or can take.
If you are a victim of crime we will treat you in a courteous, respectful, sensitive, professional and non-discriminatory way.
If you have been the victim of a crime in Northern Ireland, there are voluntary and support organisations that can give you free advice and support.
Victim Support NI is an independent charity which helps people affected by crime.
The Victim Charter sets out the entitlements and services that victims of crime in Northern Ireland can expect to receive.
The Witness Charter sets out the services available to witnesses of crime.
The Criminal Justice Agencies, including the Police Service have provided a guide on the Criminal Justice System on the nidirect website.
Giving evidence in court as a victim or witness is an important part of the criminal justice system.
The role of the Victim and Witness Care Unit (VWCU) is to provide a single point of contact within the criminal justice system.
The Public Prosecution Service (PPS) is the principal prosecuting authority in Northern Ireland, with responsibility for taking decisions as to prosecution in all cases investigated by the Police Service.
If you are a victim in Northern Ireland and the person who committed a crime against you is in prison, hospital or on probation you can register to receive and give information about them. The Victim Witness Care Unit, Victim Support NI, Probation Board NI can all provide information regarding the relevant scheme.
There are ways to help you give your best evidence and to help you to relieve some of the stress and worry sometimes associated with giving evidence at court.
Provide a free and confidential service to adults and young people. They assist prosecution witnesses, and their families through the experience of attending court.
A Victim Personal Statement (VPS) allows you to say, in your own words, how a crime has affected or continues to affect you.
Help for vulnerable people giving evidence during the investigation and trial.
Compensation Services supports the victims of violent crime by providing compensation to those who sustain loss as a result of actions taken under emergency legislation.
Provides information on the work of the N.I. Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS) including attending courts and access to public court lists.
Where the Police Service investigates a death they have a positive duty to communicate with the bereaved family.
No File Decision Pilot
It is believed that the Police “No File Decision” (NFD) initiative will help to reduce the demand on the service and enable us to focus resources on those cases with a prosecution recommendation.
Learn More About The No File Decision Pilot