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Ballycastle LNPT cover the following wards: Ballycastle, Ballymoney East, Ballymoney North, Ballymoney South, Clogh Mills, Dervock, Dunloy, Giant's Causeway, Kinbane, Loughguile and Stranocum, Lurigethan, Rasharkin, Route, Torr Head and Rathlin.

Ballycastle LNPT Inspector and Sergeants
Ballycastle LNPT Inspector and SergeantsMobile Number
NPT Inspector Burns 07500 013832
NPT Sergeant McConnell07816 350828


Ballycastle LNPT Officers and contact numbers
WardBallycastle LNPT OfficersMobile Numbers
BallycastleConstable O'Connor07825 013832
Ballymoney EastConstable Collins07866 079300
Ballymoney NorthConstable Collins07866 079300
Ballymoney SouthConstable Collins07866 079300
CloghmillsConstable Keenan07866 067512
Dervock Constable McKenna07879 996580
DunloyConstable Keenan07866 067512
Giant's CausewayConstable McKenna07879 996580
KinbaneConstable O'Connor07825 013832
Loughguile and StranocumConstable Keenan07866 067512
LurigethanConstable O'Connor07825 013832
RasharkinConstable Keenan07866 067512
RouteConstable Collins07866 079300
Torr Head and RathlinConstable O'Connor07825 013832