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Reference: F-2023-01324


Part 1
Please provide the number of police call outs to children’s homes for 2022. This information was previously provided for the years 2017-2021 (FOI - Please provide this in the same format / breakdown for 2022

Part 2
If possible under FOI cost and other exceptions, please also provide how many call outs led to arrests, broken down in the same format as above (by home and Trust area).
Please provide this for each year 2017-2022. If not possible, please provide for 2022 and as many years as possible.

Part 3
If possible under FOI cost and other exceptions, please also provide a reason for the call out.
This could be broken down i.e. (i) away from placement without authorisation (i) missing; (ii) alleged criminal offences; (iii) safeguarding incidents; (iv) other

Please provide this for each year 2017-2022. If not possible, please provide for 2022 and as many years as possible.
Note - in a previous FOI, the number of call outs relating to missing persons was possible

Part 4
Please provide a copy of any protocols or guidance/policy documents the PSNI have in dealing with call outs to children’s homes.

Childrens Homes Call Outs