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March 30, 2023 | Offences against a person

Reference: F-2023-00826


Request 1
Based on the latest full year statistics for reported Domestic abuse incidents: Number of reports from male victims?

Request 2
How many individuals reporting.

Request 3
How many reported multiple perpetrators during the year

Request 4
How many reports where the perpetrator was male

Request 5
How many individuals is this

Request 6
How many reports where the perpetrator was female

Request 7
How many individuals is this

Request 8
How many reports of violence

Request 9
Number of reports from females victims?

Request 10
How many individuals reporting

Request 11
How many reported multiple perpetrators during the year

Request 12
How many reports where the perpetrator was male

Request 13
How many individuals is this

Request 14
How many reports where the perpetrator was female

Request 15
How many individuals is this

Request 16
How many reports of violence

Request 17
Of the total male perpetrators reported how many were reported by more than 1 victim in the perpetrator’s entire history.

Request 18
Of the total female perpetrators reported how many were reported by more than 1 victim in the perpetrator’s entire history.

Request 19
Based on the latest full year statistics for Domestic abuse crimes: Number of crimes involving male victims?

Request 20
How many individuals reporting

Request 21
How many reports where the perpetrator was male

Request 22
How many individuals is this

Request 23
How many reports where the perpetrator was female

Request 24
How many individuals is this

Request 25
How many reports involving violence

Request 26
How many crimes proceed to court

Request 27
How many crimes that go to court lead to successful convictions

Request 28
Number of crimes involving female victims?

Request 29
How many individuals reporting

Request 30
How many reports where the perpetrator was male

Request 31
How many individuals is this

Request 32
How many reports where the perpetrator was female

Request 33
How many individuals is this

Request 34
How many reports involving violence

Request 35
How many reports proceed to court

Request 36
How many crimes that go to court lead to successful convictions

Domestic Abuse