March 30, 2023 | Hate Crime and Equality
Reference: F-2023-00902
Request 1
Re Hate Crimes based on the protected characteristic of sexual orientation. I would like to request the following for the years 2013 to 2023 or as many of those years as are available for the following:
Hate crimes reported as being perceived to have been based on the protected characteristic of sexual orientation, specifically towards lesbians?
Request 2
Hate crimes reported as being perceived to have been based on the protected characteristic of sexual orientation, specifically towards gay men?
Request 3
Hate crimes reported as being perceived to have been based on the protected characteristic of sexual orientation, specifically towards bisexual men?
Request 4
Hate crimes reported as being perceived to have been based on the protected characteristic of sexual orientation, specifically towards bisexual women?
Request 5
Hate crimes reported as being perceived to have been based on the protected characteristic of gender reassignment.